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Mahishasura-mardini Stotram

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Mahishasura-mardini Stotram


महिषासुरमर्दिनि स्तोत्रम्



Mahishasura Mardini Stotram is a very popular devotional stotram praising Goddess Durga. Goddess Durga is the collective energy of all Bhagwans created to kill evil Mahishasura and hence also called Mahisasura Mardini (slayer of Mahishasura). Mahisasura Mardini is the fierce form of Goddess Durga, where Durga Maa is depicted with 10 arms who rides on a lion and carrying weapons. It was believed to be written by Shri Adi Shankaracharya.




(Only 4 stanzas are listed here)


अयि गिरिनन्दिनि नन्दितमेदिनि विश्वविनोदिनि नन्दिनुते
गिरिवरविन्ध्यशिरोऽधिनिवासिनि विष्णुविलासिनि जिष्णुनुते ।
भगवति हे शितिकण्ठकुटुम्बिनि भूरिकुटुम्बिनि भूरिकृते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते 


(Note: “-“ are added to make it easy to read, otherwise no meaning or pronunciation to them)


ayi giri-nandini nandita-mēdini viśva-vinōdini nandi-nutē
giri-vara-vindhya-śirō’-dhi-nivāsini viṣṇu-vilāsini jiṣṇu-nutē ।
bhagavati hē śiti-kaṇṭha-kuṭumbini bhūri-kuṭumbini bhūri-kr̥tē
jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsura-mardini ramya-kapardini śaila-sutē



O Daughter of the Mountain, who delight the earth, who make the whole universe enjoy, who are praised by Nandikesvara, who dwell on the summit of the king of mountains, the Vindhyas, who took the form of the consort of Vishnu (as Lakshmi), who are praised by Indra, O consort of Siva (the blue-necked), who have innumerable families, who are the Creatrix of the whole universe, who slew the demon Mahisha, who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.




सुरवरवर्षिणि दुर्धरधर्षिणि दुर्मुखमर्षिणि हर्षरते
त्रिभुवनपोषिणि शङ्करतोषिणि किल्बिषमोषिणि घोषरते
दनुजनिरोषिणि दितिसुतरोषिणि दुर्मदशोषिणि सिन्धुसुते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ २ ॥

sura-vara-varṣiṇi dur-dhara-dharṣiṇi dur-mukha-marṣiṇi harṣa-ratē
tribhuvana-pōṣiṇi śaṅkara-tōṣiṇi kilbiṣa-mōṣiṇi ghōṣa-ratē
danuja-nirōṣiṇi diti-suta-rōṣiṇi durmada-śōṣiṇi sindhu-sutē
jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsura-mardini ramya-kapardini śaila-sutē
|| 2 ||



O Daughter of the Mountain, who delight Indra, who crushed the demon Durdhara, who subdued Durmukha, who are immersed in bliss, who nourish all the three worlds, who make Sankara happy, who remove all sins, who delight in celebration, who are angry with Asuras, who destroy evil pride, who destroyed the demon Durdama, who was born as the daughter of the ocean (as Lakshmi), who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.




अयि जगदम्ब मदम्ब कदम्ब वनप्रियवासिनि हासरते
शिखरि शिरोमणि तुङ्गहिमलय शृङ्गनिजालय मध्यगते ।
मधुमधुरे मधुकैटभगञ्जिनि कैटभभञ्जिनि रासरते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ३ ॥


ayi jaga-damba madamba kadamba vana-priya-vāsini hāsa-ratē
śikhari śirō-maṇi tuṅga-himalaya śr̥ṅga-nijālaya madhya-gatē ।
madhu-madhurē madhu-kaiṭa-bhagañjini kaiṭa-bha-bhañjini rāsa-ratē
jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsura-mardini ramya-kapardini śaila-sutē
|| 3 ||



O Mother of the universe, who enjoy dwelling in Kadambavana, who is anointed with perfume, who sport a gentle smile, who dwell in Your abode on the peak of the lofty Himalaya mountain, the crest-jewel among mountains, who enjoy the sweetness of honey, who slew Madhu and Kaitabha, who destroy all sins, who delight in the Raasa dance, who crushed Mahishasura, who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.




अयि शतखण्ड विखण्डितरुण्ड वितुण्डितशुण्द गजाधिपते
रिपुगजगण्ड विदारणचण्ड पराक्रमशुण्ड मृगाधिपते ।
निजभुजदण्ड निपातितखण्ड विपातितमुण्ड भटाधिपते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ४ ॥

ayi śata-khaṇḍa vikhaṇḍita-ruṇḍa vituṇḍita-śuṇda gajādh-ipatē
ripugaja-gaṇḍa vidāraṇa-chaṇḍa parākrama-śuṇḍa mr̥gādhi-patē ।
nija-bhuja-daṇḍa nipātita-khaṇḍa vipātita-muṇḍa bhaṭādhi-patē
jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsura-mardini ramyaka-pardini śaila-sutē ॥ 4 ॥



You who eliminated Dhoomralochana and hundreds of Dhoomras by a mere ‘humkaara’, who slew in battle numerous Raktabijas who rose up from the blood of Raktabija who was weakened in the fight, and, wonder of wonders, who slew in a mighty battle Sumbha, Nisumbha, and the arrogant leaders of the ghosts, who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You

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