Balagokulam is an initiative of HSSUS.ORG

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Health for Humanity Yogathon (SNY 2021) Report

Report is divided in 3 parts in accordance with the 3 goals for SNY – 2021.

(I) Participants:  

(Goal – 20,000) – “Healthy families, Healthy communities”     

Above chart captures the number of participants and Surya Namaskars from Sanghatan Shreni and Samaj Shreni (Various events and outreach efforts).
Total SNY Participants: 4946
Total Surya Namaskars: 1025384
From the amount of activity and energy we generated before and during the SNY – 2021, the number of participants appears to be low, while the number of Surya Namaskars look Ok.
Requesting all to revisit the reported sankhya from respective karmakshetra and discuss with SNY coordinators. It will help us to report accurate sankhya in the final report.


SNY App Data: Filtered for SNY Date range (1/16 – 1/31/2021)

Total Participants
Total Surya Namaskars
Surya Namskars By Swayamsevaks

This data suggests that only ~ 40% of our Sanghatan shreni is using the app. If we would like to accurately track SNY activity SNY app usage should be close to 100% of sanghatan shreni. For SNY and other reporting / tracking purposes we need to keep working on Sampark system / SNY related issues.

As compared to the last snapshot (01/28 email) there has been an increase of ~1300 participants, a positive sign.

(II) Proclamations:(Goal – 200)


Proclamation requests: 420 (Reported by SNY coordinators) / 241 (as per tracker)

Proclamation received: 173 (Reported by SNY coordinators) /149  (as per SNY App)
Requesting all to work with SNY coordinators for 2 things with respect to Proclamations –
1. Submit all the Proclamation requests to close the gap between actual requests and the ones captured in the national tracker
2. Submit all the received Proclamations via SNY App
Flowchart – “How – To” Guide for proclamations (contains live links required for above steps)
We are working to provide Thank You letter format for officials. It should be ready in the next 2-3 days.

(III) Yoga in School:(Goal – 200)


Schools reached this year – 321 / As per tracker – 218


Here as well, we need to close the gap between the schools reached and ones recorded in the – Yoga In School Tracker.

Follow this Link for the responses to Yoga in School Tracker form.

91 – The number of places we did Yoga in School was performed either virtually or via video sharing. 

Due to covid-19 we did not receive positive responses to Yoga in School requests in many places.


Yoga in School Participants ~ 10,000

Surya Namaskars ~ 50,000

Please send Thankyou email to schools where we have conducted Yoga in School. 


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